Friday, April 9

year ten


in year ten

while i totally failed to blog a single thing

i actually sewed a lot..

made some stuff for myself

and some stuff for my store

that, somehow, still exists

in spite of this silly year behind us

but i mostly sewed for my girl
who turned out to be a little fashionista 
since she was born we bought only a handful of garments for her
she either wears hand me downs
or the stuff i made for her
and that's most of the time made from fabric leftovers

i made couple of backpacks too
but i'm too lazy to look for the pictures of others..
all were made from this free pattern

and i have some interesting things still waiting
to be finished and photographed properly

it was a tough year
not only because of the pandemics
as i had a miscarriage 
which got me through a rollercoaster of emotions..
dunno how to talk about it yet
but from whatever reason i think it's important to write that down too
and, while it was a tough year
it was a good one too
my kid started going to daycare
meaning i can work again
as i'm not babysitting 24/7
we're healthy, we managed to keep our jobs,
we even managed to travel a bit 
and enjoy the countryside..
 got our first dose of vaccine last month
and the spring is in the air
so i'm feeling cautiously optimistic


  1. lovely to see your makes, your style lines and fabric choices are so inspiring (sewing is on a stop go here!) So sorry to hear of your loss. Your little girl looks like one busy lady (loved the photo with the puppies!)

    1. thank you for the lovely words.. she is super busy all the time, and she had so much fun with those puppies (and pretty much any dog or cat she meets, she loves them all)

  2. How wonderful to see you blog pop up in my feed! I love your makes and I'm so glad you posted.

    1. thank you <3 gonna try to make it happen more often than once a year, as it's made me happy too

  3. It’s inspiring how you found creative outlets like sewing during a challenging year.
