Wednesday, March 21

let's not follow each other

dress - self made
flats - peacocks

i get a lot of "let's follow each other's blogs" comments lately 
i find those hilarious
is it really possible
that people send that to anyone and everyone
without even checking who they are 
or what they blog about
every comment usually start with
"i love your blog"
which is a complete lie 
why would you "love" something you know nothing about
and you refuse to even check out
(none of those peeps never bother to read a single post
i know that, 'cause i've checked statistics)
needless to say they  never do follow
they just set an ultimatum 
'follow me, and i gonna follow you'
(i expect that to turn into
'do not follow me, and you'll have seven years of bad luck'
from ultimatum to good old blackmail)
i just can't wrap my head around it
why is it all about numbers for some people?
why do you need 10459 followers that do not really read what you have to say
what's the point?
it's like having 10459 pairs of shoes that doesn't fit
i'd rather have just a few 
but few that fit me perfectly


  1. i love your blog! ;-)

    but i really do. thank you for sharing photos of all of your beautiful clothes. I love seeing what you make, the colors are always so fun and exciting! The pictures make me want to sew, sew, sew!

    I usually just read and don't say anything, but this post made me want to tell you.

    1. thank you, emma :) i get inspired by sooo many blogs, and it is nice to know that something i made can inspire someone else to sew and create things.. (i also tried making fabric stamps using your tutorial, but i was not really successful hehe.. might try it again, though)..

    2. I had to be very careful when I put the paint on mine, too little or too much and then it doesn't turn out! My brother told me to rub the fabric onto the top of the stamp with a spoon (rather than push the stamp down onto the fabric).

      :) I'm happy you tried my project!

  2. to je najveci razlog zasto ja volim moderaciju.laksa bi mi bila svaka uvreda od ovoga!
    kosa ti je prelepa! haljina mi se mnogo svidja, model za svaku liniju (cak i moju:)). obzavam svaki zanimljiv detalj koji se je na ledjima!

    1. hvala.. to je i moj omiljeni model.. ja imam dobrih 15 kila viska (od toga 7 zaradjenih ove zime hehe), ali se to u ovakvim haljinicama ne vidi

  3. That´s a lovely dress. Like the crossed back....and I looove your blog!(actually, I do)

    1. thanks :) i love adding more details to the back..

  4. not only do i love your blog, i love YOU.

    i am quite sure of this.

    wanna follow me to the next bar?

    1. we'd prolly end up in purgatory. i have a feeling you still get to party there.

  5. Hey, I love your blog. No really, I do!

    And I'll follow you and Oona to the bar, too.

    1. well, that's the kind following i'm aiming for :)
      .. thanks for the love :)

  6. I'm another lurker who is very fond of your blog. it's in my google reader, so i hope you get statistics about that. :)

    1. muahahaa.. i totally get the statistics.. and i'm glad to have you around.. wanna follow us to the bar?

  7. I got one of those comments a while back and was totally weirded out by it - the comment was so frantic and desperate. Plus they posted the exact same comment on two different posts haha.

    I love the fabric of your dress. It's so pretty. :)

    1. thanks, i loved that fabric sooo much, too.. it used to be one gigantic vintage nightgown before i turned it into this dress..
      i think those peeps post the very same comment to any blog, they just copy/paste it and go to the next blog

  8. I am not a follower. But I do love what you make and write. So I guess I'm sort of a follower. But I suppose I think of myself more as a devotee...

    I'll come to the bar. But I wont follow you. In fact, I will probably beat you there. I've been at the bar for days, in fact. I'll order you a drink.

    1. ehehe.. than order me something with insane amount of vodka in it.. and be prepared to tell me everything about your grandma and her journey.. and her fabric stash..
      and.. thanks for the love, leah..

  9. lovely dress and photos..very poignant words

  10. I've been a follower of yours since almost the beginning. I've always loved your creations and the way you write your posts. Plus, with so many American sewing bloggers, I have a soft spot for European girls, maybe because I feel we're closer (and we don't have JoAnn's). But I'd never dream to write something like that, how lame is it?
    Once again, gorgeous sunset pics :)

    1. i was wondering where all the european girls are, but i think most of them write in their own languages (that never stopped me from browsing trough their polish-czech-french-german blogs, though) so it's a bit harder to discover them..
      and.. damn, we are geographically closest, we just might follow each other to the non virtual bar one day :)

    2. Yes we should! I'll take you a bottle of Barolo!

    3. deal.. i'll take you few jars of the cherry brandy that i made :)

  11. Oh wow! I can't believe you made that dress.. I am rather envious! It's sooo kool

    1. thanks amy.. i like it too, although i might try to lose some weight, the dress turned out a bit tight in the bodice :)

  12. the dress is just so beautiful and summery! and god what a gorgeous field and light through the hair... sigh - i just love it all!

    frantic number following depresses me. i need a drink. is that seat at the bar taken?

    1. thanks.. it's my favorite location for taking pics (and, well it's the closest one, only one minute walk from my flat).. i love the sunset lighting there so much, that i don't mind looking like a mad person wile taking pics on my own.. there is a bus stop near by, and one huge apartment building, so i always get a lot of curious stares :)
      and, girl, where have you been so far, we emptied half of the bar already :)

  13. Replies
    1. hvala.. mozemo da organizujemo neko zajednicko fotografisanje na tom mestu, ako si raspolozena.. i meni ce biti lakse da imam model, nego da se zajebavam sa tripodom kao po obicaju :)
