Friday, March 9


blouse - self made
skirt - flea market h&m (1 euro)
belt - peacocks

i should get some sort of diy-ing diploma today
i dyed my hear
and i mean - i colored it, on my own
i made myself spring rolls for breakfast
with home made wrappers and filling
i finished another blouse
and now i'm about to leave the house
with bunch of clothes i made
that i'll be selling today
at the event called take away fashion
or moda za poneti, if you prefer serbian
this post is for my local readers 
(all five of you, hehe)
ako ste u prolazu
svratite u kc grad
da se upoznamo i blebecemo i popijemo pivce


  1. you see, you NEEDED the cherry-brandies-gestation-period to accomplish this hair feat. total success. and i predict tons more success for you today. certainly if i were there, you would be Sold. Out.

    1. selling wasn't too great, drinking was heavy and quite successful, it you were here we would both get wasted

    2. we'd both get wasted in your dresses, go out and party, people would see how fabulous we are and buy all your dresses in order to be more like us.

  2. What a gorgeous color your hair is. Happy selling!

    (p.s. I really love how your words are arranged in poetry in your posts. Lovely to read)

  3. What CAN'T you do? And your hair looks astounding. Like a flame. Of fantasticness. This is not technically a word, but go with it.

    1. The world needed you to invent that word. Thank you.

  4. Yes! Your hair is flametastic. And ditto what Oona said - if I were there, I'd snatch it all up! You're like superwoman with all your DIYing!

    1. i certainly felt like one, that day.. then that night i had way too many beers, that rob me of all the powers

  5. daa definitivno sam te videla nocas na stanici,kod botanicke, s kofercetom :))

    1. zezas.. aaaa, trebala si se javiti.. ja sam sinoc bila toliko umorna i jos uvek mamurna od prethodne veceri, da ne bih videla ni rodjenu majku, da je kojim cudom prosla pored mene hehe.. moracemo smisliti neki planirani susret, da ispravimo nepravdu :)

    2. pa nisam bila sigurna i bilo mi je trulo da startujem "ee si ti ona sa bloga...haha" i ja sam bila u istom fazonu raspadanja,isto sam s drugaricom cekala prevoz,ja sam bila sva u kozi,crno braon s crnim salon na glavi,mozda si me i videla....
      moze naravno ,nadji me na fb 'ivonina sestra'

    3. a bila si na stanici, onda si morala biti sa martom (nju sam prepoznala, vidjam na fashion weeku), a tebi se nije videlo lice od kapuljace hehe.. steta.. nemam fb, moracemo da smislimo nesto drugo, ili da opet tako naletimo u gradu jedna na drugu :)
