Monday, September 16

strange days

dress - self made (for sale)

i just had one of the strangest days ever
(and that has nothing to do with these pics or this dress
as usual, i'll write more about that on my burda profile)
it started with postman bringing me package
from the city of mΓΌnchen
containing this:

which is funny
cause this morning i decided that i don't really like the patterns in this new issue
and i won't buy it..
and now it might be my favorite issue ever
 after this little surprise from burda headquarters 
i've spent the rest of the day feeling like a sewing celebrity
pattern drafting and sewing a bit..
and phoning nikola every five mins
to tell him how freaking awesome i am
then i decided to take a walk to the post office
before it closes down
and pick up another burda magazine 
one from the february of 1972, that i bought online
so, i'm walking back
still in my crazy sewing celebrity mood
squeezing my precious vintage burda under my arm
and it's sunset and birds are singing and life is good..
and then
 in the bushes, nearby my home, at one empty sloping lot
i see two naked female legs
in an awkward position 
and i stop
and look a little bit better
and yes.. two naked female legs are still there
well.. not just legs, but a female body facing down 
and i'm standing there with my silly thoughts 
and vintage burda under my arm
not knowing what to
so i walk down the bushes
and i ask her: are you ok, should i call an ambulance?
no answer
but one hand moves slightly
i want to try to help 
but i have no idea what to do or how to do it
all of my first aid or medical 'knowledge' is based on watching nurse jackie 
so i decide it's better to call the ambulance than try something funny
and i just stand there
looking silly and not knowing what to do
looking at those sad two legs 
and little black dress 
and few blonde locks
7 minutes later ambulance showed up
it felt like 7 hours to me
and off they went..
i hope she is going to be ok
whoever she is, and whatever her story might be
strange day, i tell ya
if it wasn't for that vintage burda
poor thing would still be there in the bushes



  1. Oh my goodness! What a freaky experience, I hope the women is ok and you didn't get too much of a shock. Yikes.

  2. Whoaaaa! Talk about some divine intervention or something! Love your feature in Burda :)

  3. Poor woman!! She's so lucky you passed by.

    Congrats on beeing featured in Burda mag - so well deserved. And I loooove this dress. You look awesome!!

  4. Oh wow! What a day! I hope that poor woman is okay. Such a lucky coincidence that you saw her and reacted so fast in calling the ambulance!

    Congratulations on being featured in Burda! That's awesome. :)

    1. i hope she is ok.. and can't stop wondering how she ended up lying there at all?

      :) and thanks

  5. This dress is the hotness! Seriously, you look amazing. I want one of these in my closet. Right now. Drafted yourself?

    1. :) thanks for the lovely words.. it would look amazing on you, you should make it.. yup, i drafted it myself, on one side it's just a regular fitted dress (something like that lane slip you made the other day), and on the other side, i just went all geometric under the arm opening, turning the pattern in two long straight lines..

  6. Divna ti je ova haljina na slikama, a takodje i ova sto je izasla u Burdi. I ja sam poslala jedan svoj, da kazem, rad i izasao je, dobila sam Burdu, sve su zaista ispostovali, a osecaj je predivan!

    1. hvala.. cestitam i tebi sto si izasla u burdi..
      mene je pre par meseci neko iz burde kontaktirao i pitao mogu li da objave sliku, ali sam ja u mejuvremenu potuno zaboravila na to, tako da sam se bas iznenadila juce :)

  7. Oh oh oh! What an awful thing to find, I hope both the lady you found and you are ok. Look at you, sewing star and someone's heroine now. Good work :)

    1. hehe.. thans.. though i haven't been feeling great last night, i couldn't help feeling that i should have done more and know more.. it's scary to feel so clueless

  8. Uh! Iskustvo koje se pamti, a koje bi radije zaboravila...
    Divno je sto si ukrasila Burdu! Moracu jos jednom da je prelistam, potpuno sam preskocila tih par stranica.
    A bez haljinica ti je jako zanimljiva. Videh na Burda Style sajtu da nisi zadovoljna njom, ali ja mislim da ti super stoji i da treba da je zadrzis. Kroj je totalno neocekivan, a boja ti se tako lepo slaze uz ten. Nekako mi ide uz tebe.

    1. da, ja bih ga najradije zaboravila, a opet je to jedino o cemu mislim od sinoc..
      hvala na lepim recima.. a burda je oktobarska, nije jos izasla kod nas, zato me nisi videla :)
      sto se tice haljine, mislim da bi bila uspesnija da sam imala vise materijala, tj bila bi pribliznija onome sto sam zamislila, mogla bi da malo lepse pada, umesto da bude ovako uzana.. ali, eksperimenti se nastavljaju, hehe

  9. uvrnuto i mislila sam da ces reci da si naisla na onu plasticnu lutku za izlog i da si se obradovala, ali ovo je stvarno uvrnuto i nadam se da je ona dobro :(
    a sa verije strane svaka cast, ja nemam pojma sta bi ovoj gore haljini moglo da fali i svidja mi se kako ti stoji, neuobicajena za tebe, pa je onako neobicno videti te u takvom modelu.
    a za burdu jej! obozavam burdu, nasledje od mame i sad je kupim s vremena na vreme iako nemam ni masinu, ali skupljam za kad je kupim :D

    1. hvala, jeste malo neuobicajena za mene.. nekako mi se menja stil u poslednje vreme, kao da su mi odjednom dosadile boje i strukirane haljinice.. odjednom osecam potrebu da pravim asimetricne i dzakaste stvari, jednobojne i neutralne.. ne znam da li je prolazna faza.. nadam se da jeste, ako nije ne znam sta cu sa punim ormanom sarenisha hehe

  10. Holy crap, I'm so glad you passed by and were able to help. I'm so sad to think of that poor woman. On a happier note, I am so excited for you-- it's awesome that you were in Burda! And I LOVE this dress!

    1. it made me so sad too, i hardly had any sleep last night, kept on wondering what the hell happened to her..
      and, thank you for the lovely words :)

  11. Your new dress is so cool! I love it! I'm so glad you were able to help that poor lady. I hope she's Ok, and that you find out what happened
    Congratulations on your Burda magazine feature. That's very exciting news :)

  12. Oh my gosh!! I'm so happy you were there! How horrible...
    But, yes, on a lighter note - congrats on the feature in Burda!! And the new dress is crazy awesome!

  13. wow, what a situation to stumble upon! hope the girl is okay, lucky her you just happened by. also... love the dress, and congrats on the feature!

  14. Omg, this started off so exciting and beautiful... then so sad and slightly horrifying. Congrats to you all the same! I love the dress.
