skirt - self made
blouse - self made
cardigan - made in china
heels - peacocks
bonus photo - coffee and homemade cherry pie
a note:
pictures above have absolutely
nothing to do with this text..
even more confusing
last photo is just me bragging about my newest pie
11 random facts about me:
i'm afraid of sheep.. i'm fine with snakes, spiders,
all sorts of wild animals, but sheep creeps me out
often i believe i'm dreaming
someone else's dreams..
those dreams are in color or black and white
and no-one of the people in the dream
is familiar to me..
sometimes they even talk in unknown languages..
i don't really like children
don't like to touch them
don't like to talk to them
when i have to be around children
i always bring my camera with me
and kind of hide behind it
taking hundreds of photos
i climb mountains
and at the same time
i'm a bit afraid of heights..
i believe i managed to climb europe's highest peak
(mount elbrus in caucasus)
simply because it was a night climb
and i couldn't see where i was
jim jarmusch is my all time favorite director
i can watch his movies ad nauseum
i love swimming
can breaststroke for hours
it's like a meditation
like a fabulous breathing exercise..
also, i have this fantasy
of imaginative world
where people swim all the time
instead of walking..
might write a story about that one day
i haven't eat meat
since i was 13 years old..
one day i saw
how a calf becomes veal
and that was it - no more meat for me..
i do, however, eat all animals
that i don't mind killing myself
such as fish, squid, mussels, snails, frogs, bugs
i fantasize of owning a hippie van
melon is the only fruit i don't like
when i was a kid
i read a book about guatemala
some sort of a travel book
wrote in the 50's by some jewish czech writer
by the name of norbert fryd..
ever since then, guatemala become my dream country
i promised myself to find the way to get there
and repeat his trip
at some point of my life..
that book is also the reason why i first
started getting interested in archaeology
(it had bunch of pics and stories
about maya civilisation)
when i'm not dreaming someone else's dreams
i often dream i'm flying
and that's the best feeling ever
and feels so realistic
with wind in my face
and chills if i go to high
or fly too fast
it's joyful and simply magical