Wednesday, May 2

bits and pieces

i planned to take a photo of my today's outfit 
and post it
then i planned to show you 
how beautiful mother owl is
(but was scared not to overload le blog with all the owls
.. rest of the world may not be as obsessed with them as moi)
i'm going to share with you
few details of my temporary home
every room in the house
have differently stenciled walls
that's a traditional wall decoration in this part of the country
in serbian and hungarian houses
(and probably all the others as well
this is a part of the country with very mixed population:
serbs, hungarians, slovaks, croats, romanians, rusyns and many other nationalities live here)
and that mix of nationalities
is clearly not afraid of pattern mixing


  1. You mean that's all paint, not wallpaper? Goodness, how much time must have been spent doing that! Much better than the boring beige walls you find in temporary homes here.

    1. yup, it's all paint.. and it's actually way easier than it looks like - it's made using special rubber roller, that has stencil on it (and you are supposed to fill the roller with wall paint, and than slowly roll it upwards).. with traditional style being 'in' lately, everyone is looking for those rollers in old attics :)

  2. Let me move in with you, pleaaase! Outstanding pics. Seriously!

    1. oh, i would love that.. i'm lonely here, would be nice to have someone to talk to (i tried talking to the dogs the other day, but even the dogs understand only hungarian).. and i have a spare bed hehe..

  3. Wow, you really have a great eye for photography.

    1. thanks anna.. i always plan to practice my photography skills more, and never seem to find time to do it.. until now.. these days my nikon is my best friend hehe, so expect more bits and pieces to come :)

  4. you must be in heaven (and i must be part serbhungslovakrusky).

    1. ehehe.. i agree.. you would fit in here perfectly.. i feel like i blend into all the patterns (in perfect camouflage kind of way), no matter how colorful i'm dressed..

  5. Wow!! That looks like so much fun! I would love to do that to my house - er.. if I ever get one!

    1. i hope you get few of them, and make them as colorful as possible

  6. vojvodina, fenomenalno (ja sam iz nekog razloga ubedila sebe da si u grckoj)!
    u kuci moje bake su sve sobe imale takve zidove, obozavala sam ih :)

    1. o da, bilo bi bas lepo da sam u grckoj, mada nije ni ovde lose, kao sto vidis.. ja sam ovakve zidove prvi put videla pre nekoliko godina, kad sam prvi put bila na terenu i odusevili su me.. a ovi su nekako najlepsi od svih koje sam do sad videla

  7. predivno je! bas mi endostaju takvi prizori . ovdje u becu je drugaciji stil, ali kod nas je sve tako, i svaka kuca je posebna :)

    1. :) onda mi je drago da sam te podsetila na nesto lepo

  8. Divno. Odlicne fotografije. Tako toplo i sareno.

  9. I love how those mixed patterns always have something in common between them. It's not what I'd do on my own but oh my, wonderful inspiration!
