Saturday, September 3

mc hammer called.. he wants his pants back

'pants' - self made
top - non branded
sneakers - converse 

i despise sweatpants
juicy bottoms type of sweatpants in particular
but my newest obsession with running
called for some sort of running outfit
that is not a skirt or a dress
i'm running in my new outfit
the other day
and i hear two guys talking about my pants
one said - "f*ck, dude.. what's this shit?!
no one wore this shit not even in 1992, hehehe.."
i took it as a compliment
i guess if i just write 'juicy' on the bottom
in cyrilic, and using some medieval font
they might change their mind


  1. hahaha... sjajan text :))
    Sta da ti kazem sem .. Keep on running !
    cmok ;)

  2. odusevljena....samo nastavi :)))))

  3. hej koji pattern si za hlace uzela ? moj decko je slicne kupio u zari, al definitivno preskupo... pa bi ja da probam sasit

  4. ni ja ne razumem te cene, treba ti sat posla da napravis ovakve pantalone.. koristila sam shnit iz burde (5/2010) samo sam koristila zersej, pa nema potrebe za dugmicima ili snirom, vec ih samo navuces i pritegnes kanapcetom, i to je to.. i malo sam ih produzila, burdina verzija je kraca..
