Thursday, December 12

red transformation

blouse - thrifted
skirt - self made

this skirt used to be shorts of a sort
huge and ugly one..
my aunt gave it to me
she said: you can transform it into something wearable!
and i never say no to a good challenge
so, last march i made this pencil skirt
back then, i still lived in denial
of how much weight i gained over the last year
so i made the skirt using a pattern i used for my previous pencil skirts
and it ended up being a size or two smaller than it should be
it's a pretty little skirt
 i remember being quite happy with how it turned out
i saved the original pockets from the shorts
and original hem too
i finished it, and was so excited to try it on
and it was so ridiculously small
it made me feel horrible
so i hid the skirt away
and managed to comfort myself with some cookies
a ton of cookies and few zipper bursts later
i decided i've had enough
and it's time to do something about it
one round of insanity and t25 workouts later
i'm not only able to finally wear my red skirt
but i feel like a whole new person
both physically and mentally


  1. Pod 1 - izgledas odlicno! :)
    Pod 2 - obozavam tu kombinaciju crvenog i ljubicastog.

    I da, prosto je neverovatno koliko vezbanje i fizicka aktivnost uticu na samopouzdanje.

    1. hvala.. i ja obozavam tu kombinaciju (za razliku od svih mojih muskih clanova porodice, koji se uvek pitaju zasto nosim boje koje se ne slazu)..

  2. I love these vibrant colors on you! You look great, but you always do-- it's just a matter of how you feel, so I'm happy you're feeling healthy and well! :)

    1. thanks :) oh i totally felt horrible back then, and it lasted for months (but i really wasn't looking good back then, you can't see that too well at photos, because i learned how i'm supposed to pose, in order to hide it.. but, in real life, you can't hide it)

  3. Svaka cast! Suknja je medena, i zaista bi bilo steta da je ne nosis. Osim toga, sad izgledas sjajno! Merkam i ja Insanity i T25, ali jos uvek nista ne preduzimam. Bas sam lenja...

    1. hvala, anci.. a toplo ti preporucujem bilo koji od dva, nije lako, ali kad jednom udjes u formu, potpuno se navuces na vezbanje :)

  4. that skirt is adorable! i love the pockets, and how cool that it used to be shorts. congrats on getting in shape, i could use a tune up myself!

    1. thanks, lisa.. oh, pockets are my favorite thing, never had a pencil skirt with pokets before

  5. jao al kad pročitah ovo "and managed to comfort myself with some cookies" hahahaha!
    pratim blog odavno, ali sad sam morala da se oglasim po prvi put :)
    sjajan posao, samo tako nastavi ;)

    1. :) hvala
      ah, pusto tesenje kolacicima, to me je i dovelo do 15 kila viska.. cak i posle 6 meseci svakodnevnog vezbanja, ja i dalje ne mogu da odolim slatkisima..

  6. Gorgeous skirt! You are really a color-combo-ace! This purple and red combo is just a delight on the eyes! I hate that feeling of not fitting into your clothes! You always look gorgeous, but I'm glad that you're feeling more comfortable in your own skin - and this skirt!!

    1. thanks, sallie.. it's nice to wear something colorful, i've been sporting way too many gray clothes lately

  7. You look gorgeous (but you always did). I have a few things I made when I was really skinny that I can't wear anymore but I'm back to my "normal" size so I just shove those in the back of the closet and try to forget they exist....

    1. thanks, heather lou.. i have that pair of skinny pants, still shoved in the back of my closet, waiting for the day they fit me again.. not that i ever wear pants, hehe but i still want them to fit, from some silly reason :) ah, girls.. we're just too complicated sometimes

  8. Your skirt is just beautiful and the colour is amazing!

    1. thanks, carolyn.. i love this color, should use more of it in my future projects :)

  9. Love the bright colors together!!! And way to get in shape! :)

  10. Love, love, love that red! You look fantastic, but you always do :)
